corrected UDDF generation of address field to use postcode instead of wrong zip
corrected UDDF generation to include ID of buehlmann element
added support for new field for average depth in Oceanic+ dives
added support for exporting average depth to UDDF
added support for more locations than just entry/exit location information
added new buddy and seen fields for Oceanic+ dives
added handling of Apple’s throttling inverse geolocation requests to ensure that also large number of dives get exported correctly with mapped locations
fixed crash when Huish Outdoors does not provide gear list
added support for missing dive entry/exit location information
improved support for iPhone based dives and combined iPhone/Watch dives
corrected data type of noFlyTime in Oceanic+ dive data
added support for writing noFiyTime (Oceanic+) as noflighttime (UDDF) and maxAllowedAltitude in application specific data (UDDF)
corrected unit of start and end pressure of tank from hPa to Pa
renamed nitrox gases in UDDF (EAN… instead of Nitrox…)
renamed dive computer model in UDDF to look nicer in MacDive
rounding of values to two digits after comma for UDDF export added
migrated Dive Converter to use Oceanic+ API version 2
added support for handling of tank type, size, start/end pressure in UDDF export (please note that at the moment Oceanic+ has a bug so that start and end pressure is always identical)
enhanced error handling allowing to view more error details
enhanced support of Oceanic+ dives for dives that do not contain timestamps as part of the dive profile
reversed dive numbering in exported UDDF so that latest dive has dive number 1
fixed issue in context of user profiles that have used the Oceanic+ premium day offer
reworked preferences (iOS)
added menu items for FAQ and Known Issues (Help menu on macOS)
added Backup & Restore for Oceanic+ dives in App Preferences (iOS) and File menu (macOS)
added search to dive list, searching for text dive’s name, notes, and buddies
We have corrected an issue in context of loading a user’s profile data from Oceanic for users who used the premium day purchase.
Added also support for writing out animals seen in UDDF structure informationafterdive/observations/notes. The field animalsSeen is always included in Oceanic+ dives, but it’s currently empty and not visible/editable in their app. However, if it will become visible one day, Dive Converter already supports it.
replaced implementation of Share Sheet on iOS to allow display of error messages (SwiftUI version of it does not yet allow such)
changed XML schema URL for UDDF from https to http to make Subsurface happy