Release Notes


  • fixed crash when Huish Outdoors does not provide gear list
  • added support for missing dive entry/exit location information


  • improved support for iPhone based dives and combined iPhone/Watch dives


  • corrected data type of noFlyTime in Oceanic+ dive data
  • added support for writing noFiyTime (Oceanic+) as noflighttime (UDDF) and maxAllowedAltitude in application specific data (UDDF)


  • corrected unit of start and end pressure of tank from hPa to Pa
  • renamed nitrox gases in UDDF (EAN… instead of Nitrox…)
  • renamed dive computer model in UDDF to look nicer in MacDive
  • rounding of values to two digits after comma for UDDF export added


  • migrated Dive Converter to use Oceanic+ API version 2
  • added support for handling of tank type, size, start/end pressure in UDDF export (please note that at the moment Oceanic+ has a bug so that start and end pressure is always identical)


  • enhanced error handling allowing to view more error details
  • enhanced support of Oceanic+ dives for dives that do not contain timestamps as part of the dive profile


  • reversed dive numbering in exported UDDF so that latest dive has dive number 1
  • fixed issue in context of user profiles that have used the Oceanic+ premium day offer


  • reworked preferences (iOS)
  • added menu items for FAQ and Known Issues (Help menu on macOS)
  • added Backup & Restore for Oceanic+ dives in App Preferences (iOS) and File menu (macOS)
  • added search to dive list, searching for text dive’s name, notes, and buddies


  • We have corrected an issue in context of loading a user’s profile data from Oceanic for users who used the premium day purchase.
  • Added also support for writing out animals seen in UDDF structure informationafterdive/observations/notes. The field animalsSeen is always included in Oceanic+ dives, but it’s currently empty and not visible/editable in their app. However, if it will become visible one day, Dive Converter already supports it.
  • replaced implementation of Share Sheet on iOS to allow display of error messages (SwiftUI version of it does not yet allow such)
  • changed XML schema URL for UDDF from https to http to make Subsurface happy


Initial Version