Dive Converter

Retrieve your dives from Oceanic+ and export them in Universal Dive Data Format (UDDF).


Ease of Use

Easy to use and optimized for all users. 

Best in Class Converter

Dive Converter converts all UDDF supported fields and even stores data not supported by UDDF standard in application-specific data fields.


Dive Converter runs on iOS (iPhone and iPad) and macOS.

Reverse Geocoding

The converter also performs reverse geocoding to translate the Oceanic+ supplied geo location (longitude/latitude) to an address if possible.

Issue Tracker

In addition, to the app itself, we also provide support to our users with an issue tracker to follow up on all reported issues or feature request.

Oceanic+ Account Support

The app only supports Oceanic+ accounts that have been created with email/password. Sign-in with Apple based accounts cannot be supported. However, the dives from such Sign-in with Apple account can be migrated to an email/password account.

Backup & Restore

Dive Converter allows you to backup all your dives to a local file and restore them from that file later.